Here are some of the top rated restaurants in Miquelon
Le Feu de Braise (14 rue Albert Briand, Saint-Pierre) Les Ptits Graviers Sas (2 Rue Amiral Muselier, Saint-Pierre) Auberge de LIle (47 Rue Sourdeval, Miquelon) Tiffin (9 Rue Saveaur Ladret, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon) Revolution (Place du General de Gaulle, Saint-Pierre) Le Select (6 Avenue Amiral Muselier, Saint-Pierre) The MayouNaise (Place Des Ardilliers, Miquelon) Saint Pierre (1 Fullerton Road One Fullerton, Singapore) St Pierres Sushi (280 Queen Street, Auckland Central) Le Saint Pierre (avenue de la Mediterranee, Vias) Le Saint Pierre (Rue Des Halles, Ajaccio) Cafe St Pierre (41 St. Peters Street, Canterbury) Cote St Pierre (55 rue Geoffroy de Montbray, Coutances) Cafe Saint Pierre (Place Benjamin Constant 1, Lausanne) Farm Shop and Resturant (Near Fleet Hargate, Holbeach) Gandhi Saint Pierre (18 impasse Saint Pierre, Saint-Germain-en-Laye) Jin Dragon Resturant (27 Blackmarsh Rd, St. Johns) Le Saint PIERRE (106 rue Battant, Besancon) LE SAINT PIERRE (22 rue Jean Lebas, Arles) Le Saint-Pierre (47 rue de la Citadelle, Six-Fours-les-Plages) Whole Foods Market Resturant (1160 Town and Country Crossing Dr, Town and Country) Le Clos Saint Pierre (1 Place de la Mairie, Le Rouret) Le Saint Pierre (19 rue de Senarmont, Dreux) Le Saint Pierre (50 Place de la Liberation, Gaillac) Le Saint Pierre (Quai de lAmiral Courbet, Le Crotoy) Les Delices du Roy (1 rue de la Porte Bouqueyre, Saint-Emilion) Bistrot St Pierre (Rue de Saintonge, Nere) Chez Pierre Bistro (74040 Highway 111, Palm Desert) Restaurant Pierre Orsi (3 Place Kleber, Lyon) Le Grilladin St Pierre (5 Place Saint Pierre, Bordeaux)Saint Pierre and Miquelon
What's happening in Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Miquelon-Langlade is the larger and less populated of the two communes (municipalities) making up the French overseas collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon, located to the south of Newfoundland in the Gulf of St Lawrence It consists of three geological islands: Miquelon, Langlade and Le Cap, connected with tombolos
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