What is the weight of full and empty propane tanks?

  • Re: How much does an empty 100 gallon propane tank weigh?

    The nominal weight of a tank - like a 20# or 100# cylinder - is the amount of gas it will hold. The tare weight, which is stamped "T.W." on the handle of the cylinder, is the weight of the empty tank. Those weights added together will give you the weight of a full tank.

    For example, a 20# cylinder with a tare weight of 19.2 lbs will weigh 39.2 lbs. full.

    P.S. Larger LP tanks, like the ones used to supply homes, are listed by their volume in gallons, but may only be filled to 80% of their listed volume to prevent dangerous pressure buildup and allow vaporization.
    30 pounds, plus the tank material's tare weight. This varies. Propane tanks, like other tanks designed to hold pressurised chemicals, are designed to be sturdy enough to hold the chemical without jeopardising the contents.
    This weight is generally (but not always) in the range of 25 to 30 pounds. According to my own experience, propane tanks and other similar tanks tend to weigh about the same as the amount of stuff they are designed to hold a 10 pound tank will weigh about 8 pounds empty, a 20 pound tank will weigh 16 or 17 pounds empty, and a 30 pound tank will weigh about 27, +/- a pound or two.

    Add the two together to get the weight of 55 to 60 pounds when full.
    According to Google, Propane has a density of 493 kg/m³, or 4.1143#/gal.

    So 23 U.S. Gallons of pure Propane has a mass of approximately 94.63 lbs, this can be specified as 94.63#/23 gal.

    You’ve established the propane tank has a mass of 100#. Assuming the tare weight is roughly 100#, the 100# propane tank will roughly hold 23 U.S. Gallons or 3.1 cu ft of propane inside. If you want that figure in metric representation, the average is 87.42 L.

    Once that space is completely filled up, it will weight approximately another 94.63#, giving the propane tank a total mass of 194.63.

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