• Do you want to take epic photos while travelling? Here is a video explains some easy and amazing travel photography tips that you can implement while on the trip.

    Here I have listed a few of the photography tips.

    Always shoot raw
    Rule of thirds
    Charge all batteries
    Change your point of views
    Bring the necessities
    Have insurance
    Connect with others
    Ask to get the shot
    Bring your camera
    Shoot in the moment
    Get in your photos
    Sunrise and sunset
    Always shoot 45 for IG
    Challenge your point of view
    Tell a story
    Learn color theory
    No need of expensive gear
    Be patient
    Make use of ND filters
    Use everything around you
    Use Aperature priority
    Think about scale

    You can get more and more travel photography tips from this informative video. How can you take your travel photos with phone or camera? Would you like to share your tips in comment section?

  • Natural photoshoots are best at sunset always!!

  • Very useful post

  • Random photo shot gives you better pictures!

  • An informative post that gives you easy travel photography tips. The best tips that I may follow is to charge the batteries of the camera, connect with others and ask them to take some best shots for you.

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