
+227 or 227 is the telephone country code of Niger.
Niger is a country that is located in Africa Its capital is Niamey and its inhabitants are Nigerien(s). The surface of Niger is 1,267,000 km2.

How to Call a Nigerien Telephone Number from Abroad?

Country Dialing Code for Niger: 227 International Call Prefix to call from Niger: 00 Trunk Prefix of Local Phone Numbers in Niger: 0

To call a phone number in Niger, simply:

Dial the international access code for your country - (from North America you will need to dial 011; from the UK and other European countries, you will need to dial 00) Dial country code for Niger: 227 Dial the phone number in Niger, excluding the 0 at the beginning of the number

To make a call to Landline Phone Number in Niger from Abroad, the dialling format should be:
International Access Code - 227 - Area Code - Land Phone Number

To make a call to Mobile Phone Number in Niger from Abroad, the dialling format should be:
International Access Code - 227 - Mobile Phone Number

How to call Niger from Australia?
To call a telephone number in Niger from Australia, simply:

Dial International Access Code for Australia: 0011 Dial country code for Niger: 227 Dial the phone number in Niger, excluding the 0 at the beginning of the number

How to call Niger from Canada?
To call a telephone number in Niger from Canada, simply:

Dial International Access Code for Canada: 011 Dial country code for Niger: 227 Dial the phone number in Niger, excluding the 0 at the beginning of the number

How to call Niger from the US?
To call a telephone number in Niger from the US, simply:

Dial International Access Code for US: 011 Dial country code for Niger: 227 Dial the phone number in Niger, excluding the 0 at the beginning of the number