
A vector has magnitude (size) and direction: a − b. A vector is often written in bold, like a or b. The vector a is broken up into. the two vectors ax and ay We can then add vectors by adding the x parts and adding the y parts: |a| ||a|| |a| = √( x2 y2 )

Similarly, what is the component method? The component method of vector addition is the standard way to add vectors. If C = A B, then: Cx = Ax Bx. Cy = Ay By.

In respect to this, what is magnitude formula?

The formula for the magnitude of a vector can be generalized to arbitrary dimensions. For example, if a=(a1,a2,a3,a4) is a four-dimensional vector, the formula for its magnitude is ∥a∥=√a21 a22 a23 a24.

What is meant by the components of a vector?

In physics, when you break a vector into its parts, those parts are called its components. For example, in the vector (4, 1), the x-axis (horizontal) component is 4, and the y-axis (vertical) component is 1.