If a goal is being blocked, people often become frustrated. The frustration-aggression theory states that frustration often leads to aggressive behavior. This theory was proposed by Dollard, Doob, Miller, Mower, and Sears in 1939.

Additionally, does frustration always lead to aggression? Frustration does not always lead to aggression, particularly when we deliberately suppress it because either we know that it is wrong or we fear the social consequences of being aggressive (eg. losing friendship of target, criticism from others).

Also question is, how does frustration lead to anger?

ANGER: There is a saying Frustration begets anger and anger begets aggression. Direct anger and aggression is expressed toward the object perceived as the cause of the frustration. If the source of the frustration is too powerful or threatening for direct aggression, displaced aggression is often used.

What is the main criticism of the original frustration aggression hypothesis?

Criticism and modifications For instance, the initial hypothesis failed to distinguish hostile forms of aggression, in which the actors goal is to inflict harm, and instrumental forms of aggression, in which aggression is simply a means to attain other goals (such as control or domination).