In general terms, Ascending means smallest to largest, 0 to 9, and/or A to Z and Descending means largest to smallest, 9 to 0, and/or Z to A. Ascending order means the smallest or first or earliest in the order will appear at the top of the list: For numbers or amounts, the sort is smallest to largest.

Additionally, how do I arrange my ascending order? Ascending Order. Arranging numbers (or other items) in ascending order means to arrange them from smallest to largest. The numbers 12, 5, 7, 10, 1, 160 arranged in ascending order are 1, 5, 7, 10, 12, 160. The people below are arranged in ascending order of height (from left to right).

how do I check my ascending order?

Arranging numbers in ascending order:

Count the number of digits in each number. For the numbers having the same number of digits, start with comparing the numbers from the leftmost digit. If the leftmost digits are same, move to the digits to the right and compare them.

What is the synonym of ascending?

Synonyms. up upward ascendent ascensive rising uphill ascendant acclivitous assurgent scandent highflying.