You can buy with unsettled funds as long as you wait for the funds to settle before selling. Its just a warning that the funds are currently not settled. You typically get 3 warnings before they actually do anything to your account.

can I withdraw unsettled funds? Yes, via a margin account, one can trade or transfer on unsettled funds. These are tight regulations that begin with the Federal Reserve, extend to FINRA, and downward. In a cash account, this is not possible. Since speed is a necessity, a margin account can actually be approved nearly instantly.

Thereof, what is unsettled funds in Robinhood?

Heres how Robinhood addresses it: Unsettled Funds: Cash from the sale of stock that the buyer has yet transferred to the seller. This transfer is part of the settlement process, and may take up to 3 business days. You can also invest up to in stock immediately after depositing from you bank.

How long does it take funds to settle?

three days