The eye ointment should be placed in the conjunctival sac. This is located between the inside of the lower eyelid and the eyeball.

Additionally, how long do conjunctival cysts last? Conjunctival cysts dont always require treatment, especially if they arent causing any symptoms. In some cases, they go away on their own over time. In the meantime, your doctor might suggest using lubricating eye drops to help with any dryness or discomfort.

Then, what is conjunctival sac mean?

con·junc·ti·val sac the space bound by the conjunctival membrane between the palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva, into which the lacrimal fluid is secreted; it is a closed space when eye is closed; when eye is open, the sac is open anteriorly through the palpebral fissure (between the eyelids).

Why do we place eye drops in the lower conjunctival sac?

This allows even distribution of the eye drop, and prevents rapid clearance of medication caused by blinking. This method is used because drops placed into the conjunctival sac are used to dilate the eyes or instill a medication to be in contact with the eye for a period of time.