(You want the eucalyptus to hang down along your shower wall, behind the stream of water and not in front of it.) All thats left to do is to take a warm and steamy shower! You can leave the eucalyptus in your shower for up to a week to continue to receive the benefits.

Also, how long does eucalyptus last? about three weeks

Similarly, how do you use eucalyptus in the shower?

The idea is to hang eucalyptus around your shower head, so that its not directly beneath the water. Instead, you want it to hang around or over the shower nozzle, so that you benefit from the aromatherapy without beating the plant to its demise after a quick shower.

What can I use eucalyptus leaves for?

Leaves – In both fresh and dried form, leaves of eucalyptus are used as air fresheners and in medicinal teas. Oil – In this form, eucalyptus is added to cough and cold medicines, dental products, antiseptics and used directly to treat fevers. Oils are also used in industrial mining operations and as aromatherapy.