When To Call a Professional The same is true if your child has swallowed something sharp, such as a piece of glass or an open safety pin. Sharp objects sometimes can injure the esophagus, stomach or intestines. You may be able to wait and see if the object passes through the digestive tract on its own.

Likewise, can you digest glass? The glass is not digested it is just chewed to break it up until it is no longer sharp, and swallowed. You could likely swallow a little clean, fine sawdust without any ill effects, although the body doesnt metabolize cellulose very effectively, so like the glass, most of it would likely pass right through.

Beside above, can eating tiny pieces of glass hurt?

Ingest lots of fiber to help it pass. If the glass is big or sharp enough to hurt you, you will know: it will be painful (cramping), blood in the stool and possibly fever. Death is neither immediate nor likely unless you have ingested large quantities or pieces.

Is it dangerous to eat glass?

It both grinds your food very finely in the stomach, as well as pushing it along the 8-metre-or-so length of the gut and out into your toilet bowl. Long skinny splinters of glass would definitely cause problems as it got shoved along your gut – but you would certainly notice it as you chewed your meal.