Hair of the dog, short for Hair of the dog that bit you, is a colloquial expression in the English language predominantly used to refer to alcohol that is consumed with the aim of lessening the effects of a hangover.

how do you deal with a hairy dog? Here are four steps to tame the shedding and stop the fur from getting everywhere.

Regular and Frequent Schedule of Combing and Brushing. Purchase a Vacuum Specifically Designed For Dog Hair. Seek Out Breed Specific Advice Regarding Shedding. Learn Your Pets Shedding Pattern.

Also to know, what does hairy mean in slang?

hairy. Hairy, as slang for unpleasant or rough, seems to be of Army origin, from about 1935, when a hairy patrol was an unpleasant one that met with resistance.

Are dogs furry or hairy?

Dogs can either have a hairy coat or a furry coat and the difference quite often comes down to the thickness and number of the layers. There are some breeds that have a single coat of either long or short hairs and there are others that have an additional undercoat.