A covalent bond shares electrons, and an ionic bond does not share electrons. Thus, Silver chloride is more covalent because it shares its electrons more evenly than the sodium chloride does.

One may also ask, is cf4 a covalent bond? Forming Covalent Bonds A fluorine atom has seven valence electrons. Covalently sharing two electrons is also known as a “single bond.” Carbon will have to form four single bonds with four different fluorine atoms to fill its octet. The result is CF4 or carbon tetrafluoride.

Consequently, which is more covalent AgCl or KCl?

Why is AgCl more covalent than KCl. Ag is smaller in size as compared to Na because of effective nuclear charge and hence it has more strength to polarise the anion i.e. Cl- electron cloud. Due to polarisation of anion because of cation ionic bond gets character of covalent bond.

Is AgCl a ionic compound?

Silver(I) chloride