Emilie Livingston m. 2014 Geena Davis m. 1987–1990 Patricia Gaul m. 1980–1986

Additionally, what is Jeff Goldblums ethnicity? American

One may also ask, did Jeff Goldblum get a tattoo?

Getting a tattoo is a milestone experience for most people, but Jeff Goldblum is not most people. Instead, his milestone was tattooing a fan for his Disney series, The World According to Jeff Goldblum. In particular, it will highlight a Hawaiian tattoo master who has saved an ancient tradition.

Is Jeff Goldblum black?

Apparently he has some Austrian and Russian antecedence. I guess due to the American obsession with adding a category to American (as in African-American, Italian-American and Irish-American) he should probably be categorised as Russian-American. Jeff Goldblum is Jewish but religion is not a constituent of ethnicity.