Stimulant laxatives - these stimulate the digestive tract walls, speeding up bowel movements. Usually, they take effect within 6-12 hours. Stool softener laxatives - these decrease the surface tension of stools so that they absorb more water, making them softer. Usually, they work within 12-72 hours.

how long does it take for MiraLAX to take effect? one to three days

Thereof, are there any side effect for MiraLAX in a cat?

In humans this product is known to cause flatulence and GI cramping. Recently PEG containing laxatives (Miralax) have been recommended for use in cats. In humans PEG laxatives have been shown to be safe and effective with few adverse side effects. Rarely severe hyponatremia has been reported because of SIADH.

Can I give my cat MiraLAX daily?

Mix one to four teaspoons with your cats food every 12 to 24 hours. - Miralax is another laxative and stool softener. Mix 1/4 tsp once a day with wet cat food.