matplotlib.pyplot is a collection ofcommand style functions that make matplotlib work likeMATLAB. Each pyplot function makes some change to a figure:e.g., creates a figure, creates a plotting area in a figure, plotssome lines in a plotting area, decorates the plot withlabels, etc.

Likewise, what does PLT show () do? 1 Answer. will display thecurrent figure that you are working on. plt.draw**()**will re-draw the figure. This allows you to work in interactivemode and, should you have changed your data or formatting, allowthe graph itself to change.

Besides, what does Matplotlib stand for?


Screenshot of Matplotlib plots and code Written in Python Engine cairo Anti-Grain Geometry Operating system Cross-platform Type Plotting
What does %Matplotlib inline mean?

%matplotlib is a magic function in IPython.%matplotlib inline sets the backend of matplotlib tothe inline backend: With this backend, the output ofplotting commands is displayed inline within frontends likethe Jupyter notebook, directly below the code cell that producedit.