Top 10 Best Minecraft Enchantments

Silk Touch. Looting. Unbreaking. Fire Aspect. Sharpness. Multishot. Lure. Sometimes you just want to put the sword away, take off your armor and sit by the sea with your fishing rod. Loyalty. Specific to the Trident, this enchantment returns the Trident after throwing it.

Also Know, what does every enchantment do in Minecraft? Minecraft Enchantment List (Java Edition)

Enchantment (Minecraft ID Name) Max Level Description Smite (smite) V Increases attack damage against undead mobs Sweeping Edge (sweeping) III Increases damage of sweep attack Thorns (thorns) III Causes damage to attackers Unbreaking (unbreaking) III Increases durability of item
Additionally, what is the max amount of enchantments on an item Minecraft?


Is smite better than sharpness Minecraft?

Sharpness deals extra damage to everything, whereas Smite deals more extra damage to only undead mobs. These include skeletons, zombies, withers, wither skeletons, zombie pigmen, skeleton horses and zombie horses. Bane of Arthropods does the same, but only for arthropods.