?ndl?] ( listen), Austro-Bavarian: Diandl) is the name of a traditional feminine dress worn in Bavaria and Austria (except for Vorarlberg), Altbayern, Südtirol and Trentino. It is a type of Tracht which is based on traditional clothing of Alps peasants.

Additionally, what do they call beer in Germany? General German Beer Vocabulary

Das Bier – “das beer” : The Beer. Ein Bier, bitte – “eye-n beer, bit-eh” : A beer, please. Noch Mal – “noch mal” : another. Zahlen, bitte – “zal-en, bit-eh” : pay, please. Reinheitsgebot – “Rine-hites-ge-boat” : Purity law (for beer) Fass – “fahss” : tap. Flasche – “flash-eh” : bottle.

In respect to this, what do they call Oktoberfest in Germany?

The Bavarian name for Oktoberfest, Wiesn is an abbreviation of Theresienwiese. It may also be called Festwiese by locals.

What are the waitresses at Oktoberfest called?

Its name comes from the word “dirn” (south German for “girl”) as the female waitresses were called in the 19th century, back then it was only uniform work clothing until the dirndl later came into fashion with the middle class. The dirndl is classic, sexy, feminine and fashionable.