NLD - Nasolacrimal duct. NLP - No light perception. NML - Normal.

Also Know, what does APD mean in ophthalmology? afferent pupillary defect

what are the medical abbreviations for eyes?

List of medical abbreviations: Latin abbreviations

Abbrev. Meaning Latin (or New Latin) origin o.d., od, OD once a day right eye omne in die oculus dexter o.s., os, OS left eye oculus sinister o.u., ou, OU both eyes oculus uterque p.c. after food post cibum
What does OD PL mean?

The term “plano” (pl) means there is no refractive error. OD stands for “oculus dexter,” or right eye. OS stands for “oculus sinister,” or left eye. DS stands for “diopter sphere.” If this appears in the 2nd and 3rd columns of your prescription, or if the columns are blank, you have no astigmatism.