How to Parboil Potatoes. You have to prepare the potatoes and immerse them in boiling water. Cook them for around ten minutes.

Also Know, do you have to parboil potatoes before frying? Some cooks prefer to boil their potatoes before frying them. In a large saucepan bring salted water (just enough to cover the potatoes) to boiling. Add potatoes and cook, covered, for 20 to 25 minutes or just until tender when poked with a fork. Drain.

Also to know, what is the difference between parboiling and blanching?

parboil To partially cook food by boiling it briefly in water. Both involve briefly cooking food in boiling water; however, blanching involves plunging into an ice bath immediately afterwards to halt the cooking process, while parboiling does not.

Why do you parboil?

Parboiling is usually used to partially cook an item which will then be cooked another way such as braising, grilling, or stir-frying. Parboiling differs from blanching in that one does not cool the items using cold water or ice after removing them from the boiling water.