Like any snack, corn nuts can be part of a healthy diet — the key is to eat corn nuts in moderation. They are a low-calorie choice compared to many types of chips and crackers, giving them an advantage. However, they can be high in fats if you consume them in large quantities.

Secondly, what kind of corn are corn nuts made from? Corn nuts, also known as toasted corn, quico, or Cracker are a snack food made of roasted or deep-fried corn kernels.

In this manner, why are they called corn nuts?

Corn Nuts® History He originally marketed them to tavern owners as a snack that could accompany beer. He called them Olins Brown Jug Toasted Corn, although he would later rename them to CornNuts. Holloway eventually learned of a Peruvian breed of corn, known as Cuzco corn, which grew very large kernels.

Can I eat corn nuts while pregnant?

Popcorn and Nuts A high-fiber snack can help the constipation some women get from prenatal vitamins. Pop yourself a single-serve bag of fiber-rich popcorn at home or at work.