Avoid feeding them very strong or blue cheeses. Dried fruits - raisins, sultanas and currants are particularly enjoyed by blackbirds, song thrushes and robins. Biscuits and cake - Stale cake and broken pieces of biscuits from the bottom of the tin are high in fat and ideal for birds in the winter.

Furthermore, can you feed birds chocolate cake? It would be wiser not to give chocolate cake to birds. Artificial chocolate flavour may be fine, but if the cake contains real chocolate pieces it could kill them. Chocolate is, in fact, toxic but we dont normally eat enough for it to affect us.

what should you not feed birds?

Toxic Foods Your Bird Should Never Eat

By Dr. Laurie Hess, Dipl ABVP (Avian Practice) Avocado. While avocados are vegetables, and generally vegetables are good for birds, the leaves of the avocado plant contain persin, a fatty acid-like substance that kills fungus in the plant. Caffeine. Chocolate. Salt. Fat. Fruit pits and apple seeds. Onions and garlic.

Is Sugar OK for birds?

Although not technically toxic, table foods laden with high concentrations of fat, salt, and sugar can cause serious health problems in birds.