An unopened bottle of hot sauce easily lasts months, if not years past that date. Once you open the bottle, the condiment should easily retain its taste for a few months if stored at room temperature, and much longer if you refrigerate it. Again, its impossible to say for how long your hot sauce will taste great.

Secondly, where do you store hot sauce? Most hot sauces are pretty inhospitable to foodborne illnesses, and can safely stay in the cupboard rather than the refrigerator. Nevertheless, the flavors in the sauces will break down over time, storing them in the fridge as opposed to room temperature will slow deterioration and keep the sauces fresher longer.

Hereof, how long does hot sauce last unrefrigerated?

Hot sauce will generally stay at best quality for about 6 months at room temperature; refrigerating the hot sauce will keep it fresher longer.

Does HP Sauce need to be refrigerated?

The answer - NO: Do not waste your precious fridge space by putting HP sauce in there, its high in vinegar which is a preservative.