Please note: Deleting the Shudder app from your devicedoes not cancel your subscription.

How To Cancel Amazon Prime Channel Add-On

Go to Manage Your Prime Video Channels. Look under Prime Video Channels to find Shudder. Select the Prime Video Channels option and confirm.

Similarly, how do you cancel your Amazon Prime membership? To cancel your monthly Prime Video membership:

Go to Manage Prime Membership. To cancel: A paid membership, click Cancel membership. A PrimeVideo free trial, click Do not continue.

Similarly, how do I unsubscribe from shudder?

Please note: Deleting the Shudder app from your devicedoes not cancel your subscription.

Cancel a Google Play Membership

Go to In the left menu, click My Subscriptions*** Next to Shudder, select Cancel Subscription. Select Cancel Subscription again to confirm.

How do I cancel Epix on Amazon?

Enter your password and select View Account. Scroll down toSettings and then Choose Manage. Find EPIX NOW and selectEdit.

To Cancel on Apple TV Devices:

Navigate to Settings, select Accounts. Under Subscriptions, select Manage Subscriptions. Choose EPIX NOW and then select Cancel Subscription.