• Here is a video explain where you will find the cheapest way to travel the USA on a budget.

    Use the budget chain hotels
    Hotels with kitchenettes
    Farmer markets
    Use early bird option
    Find coupons and check for vouchers
    Get a rewards credit card
    Check price of rental cars
    Avoid public holidays
    Avoid hostels
    Avoid having checked luggage

    So, if you recently plan your honeymoon or want to visit USA with your friends and family, the checklist will surely help you out. For more details, watch the video! If you want to add something more, do share your views in the comment section.

  • Traveling with in the budget is the ideal situation.thank u for sharing such helpful points šŸ™‚

  • The post is helpful for people who have recently plan their honeymoon or want to visit USA to meet friends or relatives. Watching the video and the post provides important information about hotels or hostel where you can opt to stay. How to spend your credit card and money and details about luggage.

  • Very useful post for the people who want to visit USA in affordable range!

  • I must say it's a v helpful video for those who want to travel in a budget!

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