There is no such post of Education Minister in India. Education comes under the Ministry of Human Resource and Development. Presently (in 2011), Kapil Sibbal is the Minister for Human Resource Development.
What is the importance of Reconstructionism?
Reconstructionists not only aim to educate a generation of problem solvers, but also try to identify and correct many noteworthy social problems that face our nation, with diverse targets including racism, pollution, homelessness, poverty, and violence.
Social Reconstructionism is a philosophy that emphasizes the addressing of social questions and a quest to create a better society and worldwide democracy. Typically a Reconstructionist focuses on a curriculum that highlights social reform.
Also Know, what is the role of the teacher in social reconstructionism? Social reconstructionism promotes teachers to not tell students what is right or wrong in society, but instead to guide students by exploring social issues, presenting alternative viewpoints, and facilitating student analysis of the issues.
Keeping this in consideration, how is reconstructionism beneficial to learners?
Reconstructionism. This student-centered philosophy strives to instill a desire to make the world a better place. It places a focus on controversial world issues and uses current events as a springboard for the thinking process. These students are taught the importance of working together to bring about change.
How did Theodore Brameld help define social reconstructionism?
Theodore Brameld is known as the founder of Social Reconstructionism. Social Reconstructionism is a philosophy that means you should address the problems going on and try to help the social order. Brameld thought that schools should take the lead in changing or reconstructing the social order.
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