• Discussion Fanatics

    ham-and-egger (plural ham-and-eggers) Disdainful remark directed at someone deemed worthless or undesirable. (wrestling slang) A preliminary wrestler; a jobber. An ordinary person; a simpleton. (boxing) A failed boxer; a tomato can.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    The term ham and eggs and variations of it have had various slang meanings. Like ham and eggs refers to things that typically go together and are difficult to separate. To ham and egg it is to plug away at something. Ham and eggs or ham and egger can also refer to an ordinary, unskilled or mediocre person.

    Additionally, what does ham and egging it mean in golf? Ham And Egg. This refer to a golf team that work well together or compliment each other during two-man matches. They are said to go well together like ham and eggs.

    In this way, where did the term ham and egger come from?

    A ham-and-egger job, meaning a weak effort or a dud, comes from boxing, where a ham-and-egger fighter doesnt have much fight in him, its just someone doing it to earn a meal. The idiom goes as far back as at least 1918, when it showed up in a U.S. Navy journal.

    Where did egging on come from?

    The origin of the word egg as in the expression egging someone on actually is expropriated from the first syllable of the customary pronunciation of exhortation. To exhort is to incite, urge, encourage, push, challenge, advocate and counsel one on to their highest or most extreme attainments.

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