Corn planted in cold, wet soil is unlikely to germinate. Corn grows best in air temperatures from 60° to 95°F. Corn can take from 60 to 100 days to reach harvest depending upon variety and the amount of heat during the growing season.

Similarly, how tall do corn plants grow? 8 feet tall

Just so, does corn grow quickly?

Hill soil around the plant roots at this time to help support the stalks. Corn often grows so fast in hot weather that the leaves wilt because the roots cant keep the leaves supplied with moisture. Although corn requires much water, avoid getting water on the tassels.

Why did my corn grow so small?

Plants in overly watered soil can also exhibit development and growth issues and appear stunted. Another possible soil problem is nitrogen deficiency. Corn demands a lot of nitrogen. Adding a nitrogen fertilizer to soil to replenish this nutrient may help corn that appears shorter than expected.