A game PIN is a temporary, unique code that identifies which game you want to join. This PIN is generated when someone starts a live game or assigns a challenge.

Likewise, can you play kahoot with strangers? The short answer is – you can use both! However, there are a few goodies in the new Kahoot! app that will make sure learning doesnt stop after youve played a live game. It lets you play learning games and fun quizzes anywhere and anytime, on your own or with friends.

Simply so, can you do a kahoot by yourself?

Kahoot! Is typically played live in group settings. However, you can play alone too! You can use our iOS/Android app to play your kahoot on a single device, or use the preview option to host a live kahoot with a phone simulated on the same screen.

How do you join a game on kahoot?

How to join a game

Open your devices web browser and go to kahoot.it, or open our mobile app and tap “Enter PIN”. Enter a game PIN. If “friendly nickname generator” is enabled by the host, click or tap the “spin” button to choose a random nickname. If its disabled, type a nickname of your choice.