royal colonies: Another term for provincial colonies; colonies that were under the direct control of the King, who usually appointed a Royal Governor. proprietary colonies: Owned by a person (always a white male) or family, who could make laws and appoint officials as he or they pleased.

Additionally, why were differences among the three types of colonies Royal proprietary and Charter important? Proprietary colonies were given as land grants to people who would control it and be something like governors and this was done often because the crown would owe money to the colony governors. Charter colonies were made by companies that controlled them and governed them without being related to the King.

Then, what does a royal colony mean?

a colony ruled or administered by officials appointed by and responsible to the reigning sovereign of the parent state. a colony, as New York, administered by a royal governor and council appointed by the British crown, and having a representative assembly elected by the people.

How were the proprietary colonies governed?

Proprietary colonies in America were governed by a lord proprietor, who, holding authority by virtue of a royal charter, usually exercised that authority almost as an independent sovereign. Eventually, these were converted to royal colonies.