Brown coat. The brown coat is the second application of wet, base-coat plaster with wood lath or metal systems. With gypsum board lath (rock lath, plasterboard), it is the only base coat needed.

Also, what is the difference between scratch coat and brown coat? The brown coat is applied over the scratch coat to prepare the plaster base for the finish coat application. The three coats consist of two base coats and one finish coat. The first base coat is called a scratch coat, the second is called a brown coat. In two coat work, there is a single base coat and a finish coat.

Subsequently, one may also ask, how do you mix plaster walls?

How to mix plaster

Add the materials. Pour half a bucket of clean water and half a bag of finishing plaster into your mixing bucket. Mix the contents. Taking your drill and paddle, start mixing up the contents. Add more plaster. Mix thoroughly again. Use your bucket trowel. Check consistency. Cleaning equipment. Use your mix.

How long should brown coat cure?

Cure Time: The scratch coat should be allowed to moist cure for a period of 3-5 days. This allows the cement to become hard enough to gain most of its strength before the brown coat is applied. Cure Time: The brown coat requires a lot more time to cure (28 days is recommended).