Common blue violet

Secondly, why is the horse the state animal of New Jersey? Representing power and strength, the horse is included on the State seal. It was also very important in making New Jersey farming successful. Today, raising and racing horses are very popular in New Jersey. The state animal is the horse, (Equus caballus, )so designated in Chapter 173 of the Laws of 1977.

Correspondingly, why is the violet the state flower of Rhode Island?

In 1967, teacher and politician Francis Sherman decided that since every other state in the union had adopted an official state flower or floral emblem, it was about time Rhode Island do the same. He introduced a bill to make the violet (Viola palmata) the official flower of the state.

What is famous about New Jersey?

Although the “Garden State” is known for corn, tomatoes and blueberries, the fact that we eat “well” might better be defined by the delicious taste and convenience of our delicacies rather than their nutritional value. New Jersey is the “Diner Capital of the World” and home of the Famous “Taylor Ham” Pork Roll.