Terms in this set (10)

unicellular. Having only one cell. unicorn. a horse-like fabled animal that has one horn growing out of the middle of its forehead. unicycle. a one-wheeled vehicle on which the rider sits and pedals. unidirectional. moving in only one direction. unify. unilateral. unique. unison.

Also, is the prefix UNI Greek or Latin? Mono is from Greek and uni from Latin, and there is a mild preference to use the prefix derived from the same language as the main word. 2. Mono carries a stronger sense of the meaning alone than uni.

Herein, where does the prefix UNI come from?

-uni-, root. -uni- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning one. This meaning is found in such words as: reunion, reunite, unicameral, unicorn, unicycle, uniform, unify, unilateral, union, unique, unisex, unit, unite, university.

What does uni mean in universe?

uni- a combining form occurring in loanwords from Latin (universe), used, with the meaning “one,” in the formation of compound words (unicycle).