Pros and Cons of Living in Tallinn, Estonia
Pros of Living in Tallinn
Very safe
Fast internet
Good air quality on average
Nomad List members liked going here
Many Nomad List members here all year round
Spacious and not crowded
Very easy to do business
High quality of education
Great hospitals
Roads are very safe
Great freedom of speech
Everyone speaks English
Very safe for women
Family friendly
Very friendly to LGBTQ+
Cons of Living in Tallinn
Not much to do
Cold now
Gets very cold in the winter
Very damp now
Many people smoke tobacco
Tallinn is very livable in the summer. The city center is human-sized; you do not need a car or buses to move from one point to the other in the city. I've been co-working in the Telliskivi "hipster" part of the city at LIFT99; I've loved the co-working and area! I've been sleeping around Pirita Beach for 3 weeks, which is a calm area (beach + forest), 15 minutes of taxi from the city.
Summers in Tallinn are very pleasant (if not the best tbh). There is no need for a car or a bus to move from one point to another in the city center. I've been working in Maakri area, which is local City. Really loved my time here, especially variety of quality food options available. My favourite upscale place to eat was FARM restaurant, which is a gem of a resto located in the beginning of Tallinn's Old Town. The restaurant is also the only provence style restaurant in the country, according to my understanding.
I lived in Tallinn for four months. It's a great city overall. Life quality is excellent with transportations and everything else working excellently. I loved the fact that you can travel to other countries easily and inexpensively (Russia Finland, Sweden, Latvia, etc.). At the same time, I think the city gets monotonous fast compared to other places where I lived in a similar size. Estonian people don't appear to be very active. It's understandable because most of them are hard-working and outside of the tech-scene lots of people and students work two jobs. It is not so international, and flight connections are not so many. It's also harder to make friends compared to other cities. Additionally, it's getting more and more expensive. Overall, I wouldn't live there again. There are many better cities around, but it was fascinating to live there for a while.
I visited Tallinn Old Town (Vanalinn) in November and absolutely loved it. The Christmas Market in the old town square had just opened but it was not super crowded. I worked from my AirBnB for 2 weeks and Internet was always on point. The entire city was very walkable there were cafes and pubs and restaurants just a few doors down (I was near St Olaf's Church), to no more than 10 minutes away by foot. Uber and others were no more than 2 or 3 minute wait. Definitely go check out the memorial to Estonia's victims of communism or the former KGB prison cells. Very sobering.
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