Country code 95 (dialed as 00 95 from many places) is Burma (Myanmar). Note that you must drop the trunk prefix 0 from the beginning of the Burmese number when calling from outside Burma.Yangon (Rangoon) is area code 95 1Mandalay is area code 95 2Other landline area codes are in the ranges 95 3x through 95 6x.Mobile numbers begin with 95 9.(The plus sign means insert your international access prefix here. From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, Japan uses 010, Australia uses 0011, and many other countries use different prefixes.)
What’s the best place for holidays in your country?
What would you suggest the best place for holidays or vacations in your country? And do share why the place is good to visit?
Northern areas of Pakistan are live natural beauty! One must visit those places.
Northern areas of Pakistan are beautiful
The best places to visit places in Pakistan are the Northern Areas. Usually, people prefer the northern areas to visit during summer vacations to spend quality time with friends and family. The alluring beauty of SKARDU, GILGIT, HUNZA, CHITRAL VALLEY and SWAT fascinates people and they love to visit such places. Even tourists from all over the world also visit these places to feel relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the surroundings.
@shanezehra yes, no doubt!
Northern areas of Pakistan for sure!!
Northern areas are best for vacation in Pakistan
I am suggesting that Attabad Lake, Lulusar, Swat Valley and Arang Kel is the best places for enjoying holidays.
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