If travelling from Terminal 1, then take train to Budapest Nyugati station, which takes between 20- 25 minutes.Then hop onto the metro line 3 to Deak Ferencter. Change there to go onto line 2 for a few stops to get to Keleti Train Station.If the arrival of Terminal 2, you have to go by bus to the subway station. The metro station is called: KŐBÁNYA KISPEST. The bus number 200E. The bus route:Liszt Ferenc Airport 2 vá. - Ferihegy 2 bekötőút - 4. sz. út - Üllői út - Ferihegyi repülőtérre vezető út - Liszt Ferenc Airport 1 - Ferihegyi repülőtérre vezető út - Gyömrői út - Ferihegyi repülőtérre vezető út - Kispesti lehajtó - Lehel utca - szervizút - Kőbánya-Kispest M vá.Then hop onto the metro line 3 to Deak Ferencter. Change onto line 2 to go there for a Few stops to get to the Eastern Train Station.Regards,
How much is taxi from Kelati train station to Budapest airport?
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This page shows discussions around "How much is taxi from Kelati train station to Budapest airport?"