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Is up a short U word?
Short U Spelling Word Questions
Words: bug, bus, cub, drum, gum, hut, mud, mug, rug, run, sun, up. Or go to the answers.
There is a handful of words with a “U” pronounced as Short-oo: sugar / put / push / puss / pull / full / bull / cushion. There are also two words with a very unusual pronunciation, “busy” and “business”. In these two words the “U” has a Short-i sound!
Furthermore, what is short u long U? “u” consonant vowel = Long “u” sound. “u” consonant (end of word) = Short “u” sound. “u” consonant consonant = Short “u” sound.
Similarly, you may ask, is few a long U word?
By YourDictionary Words like few and beauty also contain the long U sound.
When to use long A and short A?
Short vowel sounds occur when the letter is not pronounced the way it sounds. Long vowel sounds are created by placing two vowels together or ending the word with an E. Short vowel sounds happen when a vowel is placed next to a consonant.
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