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    Therapeutic Classification: PROIN Chewable Tablets (phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride) is a sympathomimetic amine closely related to ephedrine.

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    Proin contains the active ingredient phenylpropanolamine, an adrenergic agent that works by tightening the bladder sphincter muscle, which helps to control urine leakage.

    Furthermore, can people take proin? The Only FDA Approved Phenylpropanolamine Hydrochloride Medication for the Treatment of Urinary Incontinence Due to Urethral Sphincter Hypotonus. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: For oral use in dogs only. Not for human use.

    Beside this, what schedule drug is proin?

    Proin also maintains balanced phenylpropanolamine levels, helping to prevent the negative side effects associated with high levels, including heightened blood pressure, and hyperexciteability. Proin is a classified controlled substance in Arkansas, Iowa, Illinois, Louisiana and Oregon.

    Can proin cause kidney failure in dogs?

    PROIN may cause increased thirst; therefore, provide ample fresh water. PROIN may cause hypertension; therefore, use with caution in dogs with pre-existing heart disease, hypertension, liver disease, kidney insufficiency, diabetes, glaucoma, and conditions with a predilection for hypertension.

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