• Discussion Fanatics

    Essay questions that require you to 'identify' something in relation to a research topic or argument require you to simply point out and describe the main ideas in a short and coherent way.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    A list or poll question is a question that cannot be answered definitively. List/poll questions are asking for a list, not a single answer. The FAQ illustrates this concept nicely: To prevent your question from being flagged and possibly removed, avoid asking subjective questions where …

    Subsequently, question is, what is identify example? Identify is defined as to put oneself in anothers place or sympathize with someone. An example of identify is a woman watching a movie and feeling the pain felt by a woman character in the movie. Identify means to determine who or what someone or something is.

    Likewise, people ask, what does How do you identify mean?

    verb (used with object), i·den·ti·fied, i·den·ti·fy·ing. to recognize or establish as being a particular person or thing; verify the identity of: to identify handwriting; to identify the bearer of a check. to serve as a means of identification for: His gruff voice quickly identified him.

    How do you answer an examine question?

    1. How to answer exam questions. If you were to ask an examiner the most common reason why some students do poorly on exams, it is likely that he/she would say that “students just dont answer the question”.
    2. List.
    3. State.
    4. Outline Just give the main features or general idea.
    5. Define.
    6. Describe.
    7. Distinguish.
    8. Explain.

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technology and computing information and network security identify question answer list poll question

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