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    Average Salaries. Actors averaged a mean.84per hour in 2016, according to the BLS. The lowest-paid 10percentmade .39 hourly, and the highest-paid 10 percent earnedover hourly. Most worked in the motion picture and videoindustries tomake a mean hourly .88.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Actor. The Hollywood Reporter estimatesthatA-list movie stars routinely make millionto million for top roles in big-budget films.Secondarylead actors in a movie such as The ForceAwakensearned an estimated .5 million to.5million.

    Similarly, how much do lifetime actors make? Lifetime Entertainment Services Actorsearn,000 annually, or per hour, which is 50% higherthan thenational average for all Actors at ,000 annuallyand 20%lower than the national salary average for ?allworkingAmericans.

    Also to know, do actors make a lot of money?

    A new report reveals how many people areactingand how much money they earn. Of the155,740actors, directors and producers included in thesurvey bythe Department of Labor report, the average person made,000 in2013, at the rate of .80 an hour. The median is agooddeal lower at .48.

    How much do Netflix actors make?

    On Monday, Deadline reported that Netflixwasgiving each of the main players a significant pay raise forseasonthree. The young stars, who reportedly earned about ,000perepisode over the first two seasons will be bumped up tobetween,000 and ,000.

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