• Discussion Fanatics

    Anderson Cooper, broadcaster, news anchor and reporter for CNN and CBS (CBS) - Get Report News, has a net worth valued at about million, and earns an annual income of million, according to media reports.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    In early 2007, Cooper signed a multi-year deal with CNN that would allow him to continue as a contributor to 60 Minutes, as well as doubling his salary from million annually to a reported million.

    Similarly, how much was Gloria Vanderbilt worth when she died? Vanderbilt, who died June 17 of stomach cancer at age 95, was estimated by Page Six to be worth ** million**, though a source close to the family said that number was “wildly inaccurate” and that the value of the estate was closer to .5 million.

    Keeping this in consideration, who is the heir to the Vanderbilt fortune?

    Even though CNN anchor Anderson Cooper is a descendent of one of the richest people to ever live in America, he has said in interviews that he never expected an easy ride in life, including a trust fund from his heiress mother: fashion designer and writer Gloria Vanderbilt.

    How much is Gloria Vanderbilts net worth?

    According to the report, Vanderbilts net worth is estimated at US million thanks to her sizeable inheritance and the money she made from her eponymous denim line in the 1980s.

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