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    This is a process in which an electric arc forms between a consumable wire electrode and the work piece metals. Signs of a bad weld include: Lack of uniformity, cracks down the middle of the bead, too thin, and/or a lack of discoloration of the parent metal (which should be about 1/8 of an inch).

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Signs of a bad weld:

    1. Excessive grain growth.
    2. Presence of “hard” spots.
    3. Underside of weld has insufficient penetration.
    4. Porosity.
    5. Cracking.
    6. Excessive globules of metal.
    7. Incomplete fusion.
    8. Oversized or undersized welding line.

    Likewise, what is the strongest type of weld? As we said, MIG is the most versatile and the easiest one to learn; TIG is the most aesthetically pleasing; stick and arc produce the strongest welds and can operate under less than desirable conditions. We also discussed the best beginners welder and the type that produces the strongest weld.

    Similarly, it is asked, what is a good weld?

    Stick welding is typically the best choice for quick onsite repairs while TIG, or tungsten inert gas, welding works well on stainless steel and aluminum where the look and presentation of the weld is important.

    How long does a weld last?

    six months

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weld bad weld strongest welds excessive stick welding

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