The part of your body just below your right rib cage is known as the upper right quadrant (RUQ) — 1 of 4 quadrants that make up your tummy (abdomen). Pain in this area can be caused by conditions that affect the organs found here, including the liver, right kidney and gallbladder.
What organ systems are located in the ventral body cavity?
The ventral cavity is at the anterior (or front) of the trunk. Organs contained within this body cavity include the lungs, heart, stomach, intestines, and reproductive organs.
Human body cavities
Human body cavities and membranes Name of cavity Principal contents Dorsal body cavity Vertebral canal Spinal cord Ventral body cavity Thoracic cavity Heart, Lungs Abdominopelvic cavity Digestive organs, spleen, kidneys
Also, what protects the ventral cavity? The walls of the ventral body cavity and outer covering of its organs contain a thin covering called the serosa (also called serous membrane). It is a double-layered membrane made up of two parts called the “parietal serosa” (lines the cavity walls) and “visceral serosa” (covers organs in the cavity).Also asked, where is the kidney located in the ventral cavity?
The kidneys are bean-shaped organs located in the upper retroperitoneal region of the abdomen. That is, they are located behind the smooth peritoneal lining of the upper part of the abdominal cavity, between it and the posterior body wall. Therefore, they are actually outside the peritoneal cavity.
Which organ systems are found in the abdominopelvic cavity only?
The abdominopelvic cavity is a body cavity that consists of the abdominal cavity and the pelvic cavity. It contains the stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, kidneys, and most of the small and large intestines. It also contains the urinary bladder and internal reproductive organs.
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