How long does USPS first class mail international take from us to Netherlands?

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How long does USPS first class mail international take from us to Netherlands?
What is El Salvador known for?
El Salvador
- El Salvador, country of Central America.
- El Salvador is the smallest and most densely populated of the seven Central American countries.
- Despite having little level land, it traditionally was an agricultural country, heavily dependent upon coffee exports.
- By the end of the 20th century, however, the service sector had come to dominate the economy.
- The capital is San Salvador.
El Salvador has so much to offer, here are some of the things El Salvador is known for.
- Ruta de las Flores: Tracking your gourmet coffee from plantation to cup and feasting at weekend food fairs.
- Parque Nacional Los Volcanes: Getting steamy hiking the park's active peaks.
- Bahía de Jiquilisco: Kayaking through mangroves and taking a sunset boat trip around the bay.
- Perquín: Learning about El Salvador's troubled past at sobering civil war sites.
- Eastern Beaches: Tackling the wild east, starting in the poorly kept secret of Playa Esteron.
- Maya Ruins: Exploring the peaceful sites of Tazumal and Joya de Cerén.
- Parque Nacional El Imposible: Hiking through virgin forest and rappelling down waterfalls.
- Suchitoto: Strolling cobbled streets in this relaxing artists' retreat.
- San Salvador: Getting a cultural fix at the capital's galleries, churches and museums.
- La Costa del Bálsamo: Kicking back at Playa El Tunco: surf, party, repeat.
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