• Discussion Fanatics

    Where Is He Now? Aaron lives in Atlanta, Georgia, where he is one of the city's most successful entrepreneurs. He owns several car dealerships, as well as 18 Krispy Kreme doughnut franchises. Throughout his business career, Aaron has held to his philosophy to help other African Americans succeed.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Atlanta Mobile

    Furthermore, how much is Hank Aaron worth? Hank Aarons net worth is ** million**. Hank Aaron is an American Baseball Player. He was born on the 5th February 1934 in Mobile, Alabama, USA.

    is Hank Aaron still alive today?

    Hank Aaron is alive and well. Aaron, who turned 79 on Feb. 5, played 21 seasons for the Braves and retired in 1976 as baseballs all-time home run leader, a record that has since been broken by Barry Bonds. Hammerin Hank remains baseballs career leader for runs batted in.

    Where did Hank Aaron go to school?

    Josephine Allen Institute 1951

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hank aaron aaron hank aaron worth african americans

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