Best restaurants in Hamilton
Here are some of the top rated restaurants in Hamilton
- The Harbourfront (40 Crow Lane, Hamilton)
- Portofino Restaurant (20 Bermudiana Road, Hamilton)
- Barracuda Grill (5 Burnaby Hill, Hamilton)
- Ascots Restaurant (24 Rosemont Avenue, Hamilton)
- Port O Call (87 Front Street, Hamilton)
- The Island Brasserie and Tuckers Bar (60 Tuckers Point Drive, Hamilton Parish)
- Bermuda Bistro @ the Beach (103 Front St, Hamilton)
- Pearl (87 Front Street, Hamilton)
- Coconut Rock and Yashi Sushi Bar (20 Reid St, Hamilton)
- Chopsticks (88 Reid Street, Hamilton)
- LOriental (32 Bermudiana Road, Hamilton)
- Ten cafe and bistro (Dundonald Street, Hamilton)
- Wahoos Waterside Bistro and Patio (36 Water Street, St. George)
- Tempest Bistro (22 Water Street, St. George)
- Village Pantry (8 North Shore Road, Flatts Village)
- Paraquet Cafe (68 South Shore Road, Paget Parish)
- North Rock Restaurant (10 South Road, Smiths Parish)
- Island Cusine (235 Middle Road, Southampton Parish)
- Sul Verde (60 Tuckers Point Drive, Tuckers Town)
- Lost In The Triangle (13 Reid Street, Hamilton)
- Tom Moores Tavern (7 Walsingham Lane, Hamilton Parish)
- Art Mels Spicy Dicy (9 St Monicas Road, Hamilton)
- Harrys at the Waterfront (96 Pitts Bay Road, Hamilton)
- Devils Isle (19 Burnaby Street, Hamilton)
- Flanagans Irish Pub (69 Front Street, Hamilton)
- Bolero Brasserie (95 Front Street, Hamilton)
- Baileys Ice Cream (2 Blue Hole Hill, Hamilton Parish)
- Hog Penny (5 Burnaby Hill, Hamilton)
- The Little Venice (Bermudiana Road, Hamilton)
- Crown and Anchor (76 Pitts Bay Road, Hamilton)
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