• Discussion Fanatics

    1.4 = 1 and 4/10. We can reduce this to lowestterms by dividing the numerator and denominator or 4/10 by 2 to getthe equivalent fraction 1 and 2/5. 0.125 = 125/1000. We canreduce this to lowest terms by dividing the numerator anddenominator by 125 to get the equivalent fraction1/8.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Remember, the whole numbers are0,1,2,3,…, so 8 is the only whole number given. ? Theintegers are the whole numbers and their opposites (whichincludes 0).

    what is 1.5 as a fraction? Example Values

    Percent Decimal Fraction 100% 1 125% 1.25 5/4 150% 1.5 3/2 200% 2
    Subsequently, one may also ask, what is 140% as a fraction in simplest form?

    Decimal Fraction Percentage 3.5 7/2 350% 2.33333 7/3 233.333% 1.75 7/4 175% 1.16667 7/6 116.667%
    What is the decimal form of 140 %?

    1.4 (which is the same as 1.40) means 1 and 4/10 , or 1and 40/100 -- or 140/100 so 1.4 = 140%. 14 can alsobe written as a fraction 14/1, or 140/10, or 1400/100, so 14is 1400%.

  • it should be 1 1/4

    Step-by-step explanation:

    1 is a whole so it should be a mixed fraction and we will assume that 1 whole is divided into 10 parts so it should be 1/4 so 1 + 1/4 = 1 1/4

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