This will completely depend on where you are starting from.
If you are shipping a car to American Samoa is it cheaper from Seattle or San Francisco and which shipping company should you use?
If you are shipping a car to American Samoa is it cheaper from Seattle or San Francisco and which shipping company should you use?
just a start... Ive heard that Hamburg-Sued Shipping out of Long Beach call 562-590-9021 (ask for Lisa) is good. Their agent here in Pago is Samoa Pacific Shipping - you can contact them at 684-633-4665 and ask for Vaa. It cost someone I know of 560. Plus, 10% of the value of the car once you arrive (Am. Samoa import fee). The boat left Long Beach on July 26 (we had to leave it in a warehouse in Long Beach on July 23) and arrived in Pago on August 19.
You can also check with Matson, I believe they have roll-on roll-off service which may be cheaper than container service with Hamburg-SUD
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This page shows discussions around "If you are shipping a car to American Samoa is it cheaper from Seattle or San Francisco and which shipping company should you use?"