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    Dogs should only eat plain yogurt with no added sugar. Greek yogurt is the best choice for dogs. It has significantly less lactose than regular yogurt. Some sugar-free yogurt may contain a sugar-free substitute, called xylitol that is toxic to dogs.

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    When you know your dogs daily nutritional needs, you can determine how much yogurt your dog can have. “How much yogurt you feed your dog should be based on the ten percent treat rule. That means yogurt should be no more than ten percent of the calories your dog eats every day,” Dempsey explains.

    Additionally, is yogurt toxic to dogs? Yes, dogs can eat yogurt, but that doesnt necessarily mean that they should. While yogurt is not toxic to dogs, because it contains lactose, many canines will have trouble digesting it.

    Similarly one may ask, can I give my dog yogurt everyday?

    Adding a small spoonful of yogurt to your dogs regular kibble at mealtime can provide digestive benefits and even help your dog stay full longer. Avoid flavored yogurts that are packed with sugar, and never feed yogurt that contains the ingredient xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is toxic for dogs.

    Can you give yogurt to a dog with diarrhea?

    White rice Canned pumpkin (plain, not prepared pie filling) has the odd distinction of being effective for diarrhea and constipation. Yogurt, which has beneficial bacteria, can help in dogs who can tolerate milk and milk products. Probiotics, live bacteria that aid digestion (these are also found in yogurt)

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yogurt dogs dog toxic dog yogurt

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