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How much does iteachTEXAS cost?
.00; you can begin the iteachTEXAS program with a .00 Application Fee and a .00 Enrollment Fee. All other fees (.00) are deferred, interest free, until you begin your field experience.
A. You must complete your instructional coursework within six months. Upon passing your content test and completing the first two courses, you are eligible for hire. The whole iteachTEXAS program is designed to be completed within one school year.
One may also ask, can I become a teacher with a 2.3 GPA in Texas? A bill passed by the Texas Legislature in 2013 – House Bill (HB) 2012 –required SBEC to make certain changes to the requirements, including minimum GPAs and college credit hours required to become a teacher. Thus, it is currently possible to enter an EPP in Texas despite having an overall GPA of less than 2.0.
In this way, is iteachTEXAS a good program?
Low Cost. Of all the program listed by 240Tutoring as the best alternative teaching certification programs Texas, iteachTEXAS is the lowest cost program overall and the lowest cost program to begin. We provide the highest quality at the lowest cost program in Texas resulting in a great value for you to become a teacher
How much does Teachers of Tomorrow cost?
The cost to attend Texas Teachers of Tomorrow ranges from ,500 to ,000 depending on the qualification, with a median cost of ,500. When asked how they paid for their training, most reviewers responded, I paid for it myself.
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